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Looking for something specific, like really specific*?
Check out helga's new filter: Ingredients. - ( ◕▿◕ )

* It's not just Vitamin C, it's 3-O-Ethyl-L-Ascorbic Acid. - ( ̄ω ̄).

Status: Checking....

helga runs on lots of love,
and coffee - ☕

Hi, there - (ᵔ◡ᵔ)ノ゙. cynthia, from helga here.

I hope you're enjoying using helga as much as I love working on helga.

If so, consider downloading the app. Alongside access to additional skincare tools (such as an m.o. (skincare routine) builder, and a Skin Cycle), after the first 7 days of using the app, you can support helga for free by watching a single ad that will unlock helga for the day.

If you'd like to continue supporting helga, consider buying me a coffee. Each coffee helps me to continue actively working on helga's development and maintenance, and get the occasional coffee as well - (ᵔ◡ᵔ).

Til the next one, happy exploring.

- cynthia, from helga

If you need some help with helga, you can send me a DM on Instagram or Reddit and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

m.o. (Skincare routine) review

Hi, there - (ᵔ◡ᵔ)ノ゙ cynthia, from helga here.

Nicely done for creating your first m.o. - (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ Now, let's see how we can fine-tune it for even better results (⁠人⁠ ˙꒳˙).

The big idea

Sometimes (and more so if we're new to skincare), we may not know if our skincare routines are good enough to address our skin concerns, or whether we are even using the right type of products for our skin type at all (with at least 10+ different types of cleansers out there, I get the confusion).

So, let's make that a thing of the past - (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚. Now that you have your skincare routine jotted down somewhere (and lucky for you it's on helga - (。•̀ᴗ-)✧), you can now easily track the who's, what's and why's so that you can make informed decisions about the next best step concerning your skincare, and this - we like.

Your first review

During our 15-30 minute skincare review, I will review your skincare routine and make recommendations for improvements. This review includes determining if your skincare routine includes any conflicting ingredients, and whether it includes essential basics, depending on the type of skincare routine (day-, or night-time). If this is your first m.o., I will assist you in building a skincare routine that best matches your skin type, and skin concerns.

By the end of our chat, your m.o.'s MPA (m.o. performance assessment) score will have improved, and you'll be the happier for it - we like this too.

Your Check-in Companion

Your current skincare routine will likely change, and that's okay (and possibly recommended cause seasons and climate, and age too). Because of this, you might find yourself wondering all over again "Since Retinol + HA = yes, if I add Ceramide, that's yes too... yes? (・_・;)"

Whether you're looking for ongoing support, product recommendations (and I'd recommend looking at some checklists I am making for this one), or simply want to bounce ideas off a skincare nerd (that would be me - (¯▿¯)), I'm here to be your guide*.

Important Disclaimer

I am not a dermatologist or a licensed medical professional. This consultation is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice. Always consult with a dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment of any skin conditions. You are solely responsible for choosing products that are suitable for your individual needs.

Teens (Under 18)**

Refer to the Basic-3, i.e.,

  • a cleanser (for which some of you will only need to use this one during the night only, yes - contrary to popular belief),
  • a moisturiser, and
  • a sunscreen (to be used during the day whether it be cloudy or you're staying indoors).

  • Also, do not put anything other than a skincare product on your face (yes you, drop that lemon, tomato, maize meal, flour, milk, egg, avocado, you name it!).

    There's a lot out there, and skincare is one of those things were not knowing really, really, really sucks, so I'd also recommend learning about skincare, and Dr. Dray on YouTube is a pretty good place to start (specifically her older content, and no, this is not sponsored - just really like her content).

    So, if you'd like some guidance creating a skincare routine that works for you, go ahead and book your review.

    - Til the next one, see you there - (ᵔ◡ᵔ).

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    I agree to the terms of the Skincare Review Liability Waiver

    *Eventually, helga will have all the functionality to replace me as your Check-in companion, so stayed tuned for that - (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.
    **This also applies to everyone else.




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    About helga

    Hi, there - (ᵔ◡ᵔ)ノ゙. cynthia, from helga here.

    I'm a software engineer/human experience researcher and I've been building helga for a minute now, and it all started with the first pimple I experienced in high school (more on this another time), and my not knowing anything - not even a sliver (。T ω T。) - about skincare. Owing to my not-so-blissful ignorance, a number of unfortunate misadventures transpired, and at the end of the tunnel, and some 10000+ lines of code later, there was helga.

    The big ideas are 1. may you happily skincare and may your skin care - for tis season we must glow, and for all seasons we must glow - and 2. may your finding your possible-next-fav skincare be easier, and more fun than it's been in a while - there's a lot out there, each with a promise, each asking for our coins. Using helga, I hope we can discover better possible choices.

    Til the next one, happy exploring.

    - cynthia, from helga

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    helga runs on lots of love,
    and coffee - ☕

    Hi, there - (ᵔ◡ᵔ)ノ゙. cynthia, from helga here.

    I hope you're enjoying using helga as much as I love working on helga.

    If so, consider downloading the app. Alongside access to additional skincare tools (such as an m.o. (skincare routine) builder, and a Skin Cycle), after the first 7 days of using the app, you can support helga for free by watching a single ad that will unlock helga for the day.

    If you'd like to continue supporting helga, consider buying me a coffee. Each coffee helps me to continue actively working on helga's development and maintenance, and get the occasional coffee as well - (ᵔ◡ᵔ).

    Til the next one, happy exploring.

    - cynthia, from helga

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